Kanan Devan Hills Plantations Company Private Limited (KDHP) has entered into an agreement with Nytroponix LLC (NTX) based out of Delaware, USA on 16th July, 2023 and a Joint Venture company named KDHP NytroPonix Private Limited (JV) was incorporated on 11th July, 2024.
The JV company is formed in order to perform the activities and any commercialisation of any products or services based on the following activities: (i) extraction of therapeutically relevant active agents from tea molecules and testing thereof for efficacy against cancers and other dysfunctional health conditions first in silica, then in cell cultures and animals and finally clinically, and consequently developing or manufacturing products meant for commercial sale based on such extraction, testing and research; (ii) introduction of bacteria in soil around the plant, which the nitrogen-fixing genes are expressed through genetic modification; and (iii) development of a robust “plant-based atmospheric nitrogen capture platform” to develop cutting edge tools and technologies for the regulated capture and utilization of atmospheric nitrogen by plants and establishing seeds or plants that possess the capability to capture nitrogen from the atmosphere in a highly regulated manner through seed coating or tissue culture. From the above, activity mentioned under (i) shall innovate products under Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical Industry and activities mentioned under (ii) & (iii) would be mainly to innovate scientifically enhanced products for Agriculture Industry which would help reduced use of nitrogen.
The above projects are being led by Dr Bhanu P Jena who heads the Scientific Advisory Board of the JV company. Dr Bhanu P Jena is a recognized leader in cell biology and “George E. Palade University Professor Distinguished Professor Wayne State University” whose discovery of the “porosome”, the universal secretory portal at the cell plasma membrane, and the molecular level understanding of its structure, function, and chemistry, has illuminated and transformed our understanding of the secretory process in cells. The porosome discovery has further enabled the treatment of diseases resulting from secretory defects, such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes and neurological disorders. His remarkable contributions in developing nanoscale thermometry and differential expansion microscopy, provides inexpensive approaches in the study of cellular structure-function and in the detection of diseases such as myopathy and cancers.
Other distinguished members of the Scientific Advisory Board are Dr Robert Flaumenhaft, MD, PHD and Dr Simon C. Robson, MD, PHD, FRCP who serve as Professors at Harvard Medical School, USA.
NytroPonix [https://www.nytroponix.com/] has established partnership with the Molecular Medicine Institute, Boston, MA for all its US based R&D programs overlooked by lead investigators at the MMI [https://www.vironinstitute.com/about-us].